Maybe you are using mail services such as Yahoo. Because Beauty Boutique Health Life has a lot of members, every day we deliver a huge amount of E-mails. So, our E-mails are likely to be regarded as junk mails by Yahoo and other services, and end up in your spam/junk folder. To avoid this, you may follow the following procedure:
Old Version Mail System
Please log in your E-mail account and choose “Spam/Junk Folder”, and open a Beauty Boutique Health Life E-mail.
After opening the E-mail, press the “Not Spam/Junk” button on the top of the E-mail.
After that, your Beauty Boutique Health Life messages will not end up in the Spam/Junk Folder!
New Version Mail System
Please log in your E-mail account and choose “Spam/Junk Folder”, open a Beauty Boutique Health Life E-mail, and press the “Not Spam/Junk” button on the top.
After that, your Beauty Boutique Health Life messages will not end up in the Spam/Junk Folder!